Healthy Vibes for Moms
Helping Moms Feel More Confident, Fulfilled, And Empowered.
Episode 35: Happiness
June 22nd, 2020 | 16 mins 52 secs
Happiness comes in waves, and sometimes we aren’t sure when it is coming back, but there are many small choices we can make to give us moments of happiness. It isn’t about everything being is about finding the light in the midst of all of life’s challenges.
Episode 34: Interview with Louise Clarke
June 8th, 2020 | 57 mins 18 secs
In this episode I get to chat with Louise Clarke about parenting, teenagers, becoming more aware, meditation, saying no, and so much more. You don’t want to miss it.
Episode 33: Saying no is a big part of self-care
June 1st, 2020 | 15 mins 19 secs
In this episode we talk about how a big part of self-care is saying no.
Episode 32: What are you filling your mind with?
May 26th, 2020 | 15 mins 33 secs
In this episode we talk about how keeping our mind in a good, healthy place is daily work.
Episode 31: What are some simple things we are not getting enough of?
May 11th, 2020 | 11 mins 25 secs
In this quick encouragement, we talk about a few simple things we need more of.
Episode 30: Why you have to find quiet time.
May 4th, 2020 | 11 mins 37 secs
In this episode we talk about how we need to find at least 10-20 minutes of quiet time each day for ourselves. It is not easy, but we need it for the health of our mind.
Episode 29: What Can We Control Right Now?
April 20th, 2020 | 15 mins 45 secs
acceptance, calm, clarity, confidence, connection, courage, discomfort, dreams, energy, enough, faith, focus, grace, growth, happiness, health, homeschooling, hope, humor, mom health, morning routine, perspective, productivity, purpose, resilience, self-care, self-development, self-love, stress relief, support, understanding, wellness
In this uncertain time, we have to understand what we can actually control. Self-care and protecting your energy are important right now.
Episode 28: Homeschooling Tips
April 13th, 2020 | 26 mins 30 secs
acceptance, calm, clarity, confidence, connection, courage, discomfort, dreams, energy, enough, faith, focus, grace, growth, happiness, health, homeschooling, humor, mom health, morning routine, perspective, productivity, purpose, resilience, self-care, self-development, self-love, stress relief, support, understanding, wellness
Join for a conversation about what I have learned over the years. Even though our current situation is different than choosing to homeschool, I am sharing some tips that might be helpful.
Episode 26: Grace
April 6th, 2020 | 9 mins 39 secs
In this quick encouragement, we talk about what grace is and how we can show it to others.
Episode 25: How you and someone else can see things completely different
March 30th, 2020 | 21 mins 40 secs
In this episode we talk about how we all have different perspectives and how we should be open to hearing where someone else’s point of view is coming from.
Episode 27: What I want my kids to learn during this uncertain time
March 23rd, 2020 | 17 mins 50 secs
In this episode we talk about how our kids are watching during this uncertain time, and how we want to handle it, and what we want them to learn.
Episode 24: The Struggle is so Real
March 2nd, 2020 | 16 mins 50 secs
In this episode we talk about the struggles we go through every day, and that you are not alone.
Episode 23: Letting Go of Habits that aren’t Serving You
February 24th, 2020 | 21 mins 24 secs
In this episode we talk about why you should get honest with yourself, and let go of any habit that it is holding you back and limiting your growth.
Episode 22: You can turn it around
February 10th, 2020 | 15 mins 49 secs
In this episode we talk about how you can turn anything around, and look at it differently. Perspective is everything.
Episode 21: It is Ok to not be Ok
February 3rd, 2020 | 14 mins 32 secs
In this episode, we chat about bad days, bad moments, and not feeling ok, and simple habits to help get us out of that funk.
Episode 20: Stop Explaining
January 27th, 2020 | 18 mins 27 secs
In this episode we talk about why you can stop explaining, feeling guilty, and making excuses for your choices.